Tuesday, July 29, 2008

All Over You Like White on a Polar Bear in a Snow Storm

MMO-Champion has got the latest on the WotLK beta build, and it includes some lovin' druids have been asking for for ages. Unfortunately, these changes come from the new profession Inscription, but short help is better than none, Chewie.

According to the information, druids will be able to add glyphs to alter their forms appearances. So far, the only one that has surfaced in beta is the Glyph of the White Bear. While there is much joy among beta druids over this, there also seems to be some trepidation in that in changing their forms, they may have to give up some other glyph which may be more useful on a gameplay level.

Some of the other information released showed us some new blacksmith loving, the flying mount for death knights, and other various and a sundry updates.

Cruise over to MMO-Champion for the full story.

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