I'm at lunch, playing with, I mean "by", myself again.
My lunch-buddy has sworn off WoW again, so I'm pretty much left to myself in our small, family guild. This happens every-so-often. We get a group of 10 or so steady players, all real-life friends, who like to play together. But as time goes by, the participation drops, then the playing time, and finally, they stop playing altogether. This seems to happen every 3 months or so. After about 3 months away, they'll come back for a few months and the process repeats.
I like playing with these folks. I enjoy spending my online time with my RL friends and family. But what do you do when they abandon you for half of each year? I could soldier on solo, but I really enjoy the social aspects of the game. I enjoy instancing, chatting, or just general bs'ing around. That's one of the reasons I used to enjoy our old server so much. It was a RP server, and if no one else was around, I could always find someone to strike up a conversation, even if it was an RP one.
This server we moved to at the start of 2008, at my friends' instigation, is a 'normal' server. Therefore, RP is a bad word here. I could join a new guild, but I guarantee as soon as I do that, and start to go up through their ranks, my RL friends will start playing again and I'll feel that I have to go back to them and will likely abandon my new guild. Get the feeling I've done this before? Yeah, it sucks.
I'll figure something out. I always do.