With so much happening in the World of Warcraft, one might think I'd be tempted to just stay there and ignore the outside world...
...and you
might be right.
Let's take a moment to review what's going on, shall we?
First, there seems to be a pretty big election coming up next week. I don't even want to start with what side of the fence everyone comes down on and why. All I can say is that everyone needs to stop drinking the cool-aid.
Second, the world is completely filled with idiots. Maybe this is bigger than my first point or even directly related to it, I don't know. It's probably common knowledge. I awoke to it recently, not because of any deep-seated revelation, but rather a sudden dawning. Guess I'm getting more cynical in my old age. I used to think that 90% of the people in the world were just "asleep at the wheel". Now I think that they're just complete morons. I'd go into my reasoning for this, but it would take too long and 90% of you wouldn't get it anyway.
Third, it's Halloween (Happy Halloween, btw). This means I'll be spending my evening trudging up and down neighborhoods with my kids while tons of soccer moms dressed like she-devils gallivant, trying to keep my eyes from bulging out and getting smacked by my wife. It's a trying time for any married male.
Fourth, there is
nothing good on TV. I mean it. I'm so disappointed in the fall line-ups that I've taken to watching old reruns of House and NCIS (Abbey is hot). Even Heroes sucks. How disappointing is that?
Fifth, we're gearing up for Christmas here. Yep, that means I'll either spend the next 2 months watching the kids while the wife goes shopping, or I'll be along for the ride watching the kids while we go shopping with the wife. Joy.
Sixth, work is heating up. When other groups tend to be slowing down at the end of the year, my department is always busier. Why? Probably because everyone else is slow and has nothing better to do than to dump work on us.
That's about all I can think of at the moment.... My cynic seems to be either lightening up or slowing down.
At any rate, have a Happy Halloween and a safe one!
Camp Taurajo, just a little south of Barrens chat