Sunday, January 4, 2009

Waiting in Line

Things to do while waiting in queue to log in to your server:
  1. Watch House
    That damn show's always on.
  2. Read some Bill Shakespeare plays. There's tons to choose from.
  3. Read Big Red Kitty, because he's always funny.
  4. Do homework... Nah!
  5. Pick on the missus as she also waits in the queue (always fun).
  6. Review your spec build for the 400th time (Yep, still the same).
  7. Channel surf to avoid telemarketing commercials. I'm liable to order something. Yeah, I'm looking at you, ShamWow.
  8. Check work e-mail. Yeah, right!
  9. Read Elitist Jerks for Enhancement Shammy tips.
  10. Surf YouTube for the latest Disney videos for my kids.

Oh, look, only 20 minutes to go now. Joy.

Camp Taurajo, just a little south of Barrens chat

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